
STEM Presentation By WVLT’s Chief Meteorologist Heather Haley

On December 6, 2022, Heather Haley, the Chief Meteorologist from WVLT TV, spoke with approximately eighty Oliver Springs Middle School students about how she uses technology to make weather forecasts and create the graphics we see on our televisions each morning. She also talked about her early love of math and science and how that led her to this career area.

Students also heard about the career areas within the television industry. Ms. Haley also shared information about the post-graduation training and college programs needed to perform the different jobs within the industry. In addition, Ms. Haley spoke about how technology constantly changes their industry.

Oliver Springs Middle School welcomes business representatives to present to students about STEM use in their career fields. 

If you or your organization is interested in talking to Roane County Schools students about STEM careers, please get in touch with Scott Bacon at tnpieconsulting@gmail.com to connect with the Roane County Schools Education Foundation.